Are we really gonna bring the debate down to this level this early? Can’t we act like grown-ups at least until the conventions?
Romney tells us that Barack hasn’t been a leader of enterprise and he hasn’t made a business work, or a city, or a state. I’m not a hundred percent sure on this, but I don’t think McCain’s ever been a mayor or a governor either. I also don’t know if he’s ever been CEO of his own business, but maybe he has. I guess the point is, doesn’t it seem like this criticism is just applicable to him as it is to Obama? McCain and Obama are both senators. McCain’s been a senator longer, sure, but he’s like a thousand years old--of course he has. Is Romney really trying to tell us that only former governors are equipped to handle the presidency? Because, I mean, I know the last few have been governors (or vice presidents, in Bush 41’s case) but it’s not like Obama would be the first senator to try for the office.
Let’s think about that. Who else was just a senator before getting elected president?
Well. I’m sold. Let’s take Romney’s advice that would have cheated us out of Kennedy and Lincoln. Sounds like a solid plan.
He also defended John McCain’s ridiculous comments about Hamas saying that the
First and foremost, here we are again playing the old game of equating the candidate with some nutbag who’s endorsed him. I don’t know if it’s true about this
More interesting, though, than the fact that the Republicans are already pulling out these guilt-by-imaginary-association arguments, is the reason Romney said this Hamas guy is supporting Obama. He’s agreed to talk to Ahmadinejad. Great attack point, guys. Barack, alone in the field, is saying that it’s time to at least make an attempt at bringing our enemies back to the table so that we can at least attempt to solve some of our differences with diplomacy instead of obliteration and he’s the bad guy? I thought McCain was trying to spin us an I’m-different-from-George-Bush yarn. Has he already given up on that? Is he already embracing the speak-aggressively-and-smack-them-with-a-big-stick school of foreign policy? Tell us again why it’s not just four more years, John? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m a little tired of shooting first and asking questions later or never and so, I think, is most of the rest of the world.
Honestly, I’m not as schooled on
Oh, and by the way, that doesn’t mean I’m a Hamas sympathizer. Or a terrorist sympathizer. It just means that I am, like the rest of the world is, a little tired of the constant violence in that part of the world and I’m willing to consider any option that might make a difference over there. We’ve tried shooting them, and you know what? That just seems to piss ‘em off. Maybe it’s time we tried talking.
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